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Accessibility, audio, games, Linux and other things, from a visually impaired person's point of view.

Posts about Fan-Made

Persona 5 Opening - UTAU Cover

Rockman DASH - "We are the Three Bonne Brothers" Violin Arrangements

Those who have read my other posts probably noticed that I'm currently obsessed with violins.(Read the full article)

Rockman DASH - "We are the Three Bonne Brothers" Keyboard Arrangements

These are my keyboard arrangements of the song "We are the Three Bonne Brothers", also known as the theme song for the Bonnes, the charismatic air pirates from the Rockman DASH/Mega Man Legends series.(Read the full article)

Gossec Gavotte - Friedlander Violin Cover

In my previous post, I wrote how I chose the Read the full article)

Twitter and Updates

It may not seem like it, but a lot happened after my last post: